Young Filmakers producing Documentary on Alternative Lifestyles

Updated: 2005/03/09: The film is on hold and may not go forward.

We’ve been contacted by a couple of young Filmakers just out of college who are looking to make a Documentary on Alternative lifestyles. I’m paraphrasing what Kevin, one of the Filmakers wrote me describing the project, had to say about it. They would like to interview people for and Indi Film they are making. Basically the movie will be about Alternative Lifestyles which will include TG’s, TV’s and CD’s. The Documentary will be about how they live their daily lives (the attempt will be to show it’s no different from other people’s daily lives). It will address the pain it costs to live the lifestyle (with family or friends). They’d like to tell your side of the story for others living a more Traditional Lifestyle will have some insight into what’s it’s like to live an Alternative Lifestyle.

Some examples of questions that would be asked during the Interview for the Documentary would be:

– When and how you got into the lifestyle
– When you new it was the lifestyle that is right for you
– The pains and/or hardships living your lifestyle involves
– How you’re treated on a day to day basis
– Anything else you’d want to add or that you’d want the general public to know about what being you involves.

The Interviews and Filming will be done in the Boston Area. If you’re interested in being involved in this project, you can contact Kevin via: The filming dates aren’t yet set in concrete, but Kevin will have them firmed up by September 2nd or 3rd. If you contact him, he’ll be able to give you more specifics.

I’ve gone back and forth with Kevin and he seems very sincere about producing a Documentary that will allow people in Alternative Lifestyles to p

resent themselves to the rest of society in the interest of opening peoples minds. If you’re interested, do get in touch with Kevin. In addition to interviewing members of the TG/TV/CD (Transgendered Community) they’ll also be working with Gay Men (they already have the people they need from this group), Gay Women and Bi-Sexuals, so, if you fit into the Transgendered, Lesbian or Bi-Sexual Categories Kevin would love to hear from you.


Updated: 2005/03/09: The film is on hold and may not go forward.