Fakes And Frauds

We are constantly amazed at the lengths some people will go to in order to “enhance” their images online. Recently, it was revealed to us that one of our members, Ms Rachel Grahm of the United Kingdom, had blatantly modified a photo of a rather famous genetic girl and was trying to pass this photo off as herself.

We contacted her to let her know that her fake photo had been caught and that her profile was disabled, but all we got was an angry response. “No it not! I did a similar pose, look at my web-site!!!”

Similar pose? No kidding. It’s similar right down to the seams in the clothes, the patterns in the stockings, and the wrinkles in the blouse. In fact, the only thing different is the the face. Well done! Well done indeed!

Nine times out of ten, if someone admits their wrongdoing and posts a photo that we can verify, we will allow them to return to the site. It just amazes us when such obvious forgeries are pointed out and the losers who posted them think that being angry and indignant will somehow make us change our minds.

To illustrate our point, we superimposed the fake photo with the original photo of Neve Campbell and then animated the overlay to show exactly how obvious this fake was. Sorry Rachel, but your fake was found out and your profile has been disabled.

To the thousands of members who have put themselves on URNA for the world to see, we would like to say thank you! We would also like to thank our members and visitors who report fake profiles. For those people who think that a fake photo won’t be noticed, and who blatantly steal other people’s images, we say: Shame on You!